
von Rundstedt becomes member of WEC!

The World Employment Confederation welcomes the Career Management company, von Rundstedt, as a new corporate member. von Rundstedt is Germany’s market leader in outplacement and one of the leading providers of workforce transformation services. CEO Sophia von Rundstedt tells us a bit more about why joining a global industry association is important for her company.

Published on 6th May 2019

As of April 2019, the World Employment Confederation counts a new corporate member! von Rundstedt is Germany’s clear market leader in Career Transition. 86 percent of the country’s largest corporations work with von Rundstedt to manage outplacement and workforce transformation.

The company has roughly 350 employees and consultants working across 27 branches in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and generates annual sales of about EUR 35 million. Founded in 1985, the family firm is now in its second generation, being led by Sophia von Rundstedt.

Since 2018, von Rundstedt has been actively participating in the WEC’s Career Management group, working with other leading global firms to shape a common platform for the sector. “We believe in networking and sharing best practices to develop innovative workforce solutions for organizations and facilitate access to external as well as internal labour markets for our individual clients,” explains CEO Sophia von Rundstedt. “We appreciated the opportunity offered by the WEC to discuss with other national and global industry leaders about the future of outplacement and how to support organizations in transforming their workforce to face the challenges ahead. Becoming a member of the World Employment Confederation will further enable our company to gain additional insights and shape dialogues regarding political, economic and global developments in the labour markets.”

von Rundstedt offers outplacement and workforce transformation services. Outplacement occurs when employees are laid off and aims to support people in transitioning to their next career opportunity. Counselors provide advice and concrete assistance in defining a new career goal, identifying target companies and job openings, preparing and sending out application documents, activating a network of contacts and making the right decisions to land the new role.

Workforce transformation services also aim at providing support in times of change. Such services help organizations to restructure, defining how staffing reductions can be implemented as efficiently and fairly as possible. von Rundstedt also provides redeployment services by helping companies to match the skills of their actual employees with new job /skill profiles which are crucial for the organization’s future success and the employability of individuals.

regions: Europe
services: Career Management
members: Von Rundstedt
content types: News
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